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panel of FOCUS


The Days of Awe are nearly here and we are  looking for the skills that will  help us pray in the most meaningful and effective way.    We may each want to do this in our own way, but I am quite sure that while praying we want to be able to focus on our tefillot without the distractions of  what is going on around us and without the business of what is going on in our minds disturbing us. This is a special time which is  so auspicious for our prayers.  Hashem is there, He wants to hear us. Let's take advantage of this unique time of year   to reach out to Him and be close to Him during our time of prayer.

Special Guests on the
Panel  of Focus

Tzirel Liba Mitzmann inspires women to enter Shabbos with royalty and serenity, when she is not doing this you may find her with a guitar in hand writing and singing music that will lift your soul to new heights.  Tzirel Liba is a highly-respected speech and music therapist who has a gift of spirituality and creativity. Among her wonderful creations is the THE SHABBOS QUEEN PROJECT, a daily three minute inspiration for women to enhance every aspect of our Shabbos experience


She will give us tips on our to prepare spiritually for the Days of Awe so that we are in the best frame of mind in order to approach the Master of the Universe and ask him for the very best New Year possible filled with wonderful blessings.

Rae Shagalov has the amazing gift of being able to direct and focus women and children to accomplish their dreams. Rae has some terrific techniques which she will share with us so that we can be focused while praying and thus enhance our prayers  during this vital period of time. 

Rae has a passion for helping Jewish women and children develop their gifts and talents and bring out the greatness of who they are. With the help of G-d, she has coached more than 4,000 women and children to develop their Passion Projects. She is also a master calligrapher & publisher. You can find Rae's books on Amazon and at

Our crystal friends will help us as we try to improve our concentration and move into the more spiritual realm. Discover which crystals will be your best choice during this period of time and how they will be there for you so that with G'd's help you can reap the most benefit from the opportunity that we have for prayer during the 10 days of repentance and Yom Kippur.
I have had the marvelous company of my crystals for nearly ten years and they have made a marked difference to my life. On our panel I will share some great tips for the use of crystals with you.

Invest just 45 minutes of your time to gain some fascinating tips to help you concentrate and focus on your prayers during the Days of Awe.

This is sure to be a fascinating panel from which you will gain practical tips on how to reap the most from this very special period of time.

Panel sign up
Sign up here for the Panel to help keep you focused and in the best frame of mind for your Tefillot.

Monday, September 13, 2021
7 Tishrei, 5782

1.30 p.m.    EST   

6.30 p.m.   UK  

7.30 p.m.  Johannesburg

8.30 p.m.   Israel

Register Now!

Thanks for submitting!

This panel will bring together 3 women from varying disciplines who will each give you hands-on tips on how to use your prayer time effectively through preparation, focus and concentration.

Your investment of 45 minutes will enrich you with practical information on how to gain the most from your Tefillot over the Days of Awe. 

Treat yourself       

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